Once upon a time, people had incredible potential; they were happy living their own lives and resolving issues when they came. However, one day, they resolved to choose something different; the consequence was to lose their paths. Despite the power that they had to make wise decisions, they made big mistakes. They divided men and women according to the color of their skin, gender, religion, ideas. Alienation was growing up more and more. Humankind lost the capacity to see the beauty the harmony in everyone and everywhere. No more tolerance, neither Democracy.
The human race changed smiles and peals of laughter with solid and dominant language. Was it for some reason? may be because of the COVID 19? The streets were full of junk; the recreation parks fade, and worried or aggressive people walk by the streets. Caring for the environment was abandoned.
Rather than promote to have a healthy environment, they provided weapons. Many people, like children, were killed for no reason. They didn’t care that the tailings of mines contaminated living beings. Corruption was living hand by hand with governments. The fine line between peace and war vanished off the face of the earth. The destruction of human beings and the planet began.
It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it is not. It is happening now.
This scene is our present and our future. The decisions that we make for ourselves and our future generations have consequences. No one said making the world a safe place would be easy, but I say that it is possible the sooner we find how to do it, the mayor because we become masters of our destiny.
Human beings can be builders or destroyers; either way, under these circumstances, with future challenges that seem, will endure, it is up to the humans not to let their guard go down. They are wearing a suit of valor armor through their writing, actions, decisions working on getting people together for a better world.
We have leaders who are working hard to get it. To name a few, we have Greta Thunberg, a teenage Swedish environmental activist, Pope Francis, Jose “Pepe” Mujica, Joe Baiden, the President of the United States, among others.
His speech and remarks at NATO headquarter and the G-7 Summit said how and what is he working for the present and the future of our planet “Watch me, I keep my commitments when I say it.”
He is not a person who makes promises that he doesn’t believe. Biden’s speech at NATO headquarters emphasized his allegiance to the people and how he is working for the present and the future of our planet. He and many others show how important it is to check our values and liability.
Then, what are we going to do under these circumstances? Are we going to be observers or protagonists or our story? Are we going to let the faint line of our destiny disappears? You have the answer to re-write this story.
For suggestions or questions write o find me in @evaatunga.